68th Open Juried
Online Exhibition
Welcome to the 68th Annual Open Juried Online Exhibition.
Enjoy 105 works of art from artists across Ontario, Canada.
...continuing here until the opening of the 69th Open Juried Exhibition in November 2021.
Artists are listed alphabetically by last name in the gallery below.
You may also read the Jurors' Comments about the exhibition and the award recipients by clicking on the button at the bottom of the exhibition page. Enjoy the show!
Notes for visitors:
The first 30 images are displayed below. To continue exploring the exhibition, click Show More to load more artworks. There are a total of 105 artworks exhibited.
To ENLARGE an artwork, click on it to display the full size along with its information.
To inquire about purchasing any of the exhibition artworks, click the blue button to contact the Colour and Form Society.

Architecture of Old Lahore Pencil on Paper, 60” x 24” $1500

My Princess Pen & Ink, 36” x 24” $1200

Ishtar Terra Mixed Media, 15.75” x 8.27” x 7.87” $500

Time to Rest Acrylic & Charcoal, 30” x 40” $2500

Reach into the Night Acrylic & Charcoal, 24" x 30” $700

Nocturnal Red #3 Acrylic on Canvas, 40" x 60” $2500

Trapped Watercolour on paper, 41” x 29” $1600

2020 Vision Oil on Canvas, 20” x 16” $650

Chopin Acrylic, 36” x 36” $1575

Ashbridges Bay Oil on Gessoed Board, 11" x 14” $1500

Stoney Creek at Edwards Gardens Oil on Gessoed Board, 11" x 14" $1500

After the Rain Acrylic, 30" x 15” $750

Holger's Garden Acrylic, 30" x 15” $750

Reversion to Self Oil on Canvas, 36” x 48” $2400

Falls Last Hurrah Ink & Resin on Wood Panel, 14" x 11” $400

The Crossroads (Triptych) Acrylic on Wood Panels, 8” x 24” $480

The Golden Pinnacles (Quadritych) Acrylic on Ceramic Tiles, 4.25”x 18” $200

Tobermory Oil on Canvas, 40” x 30” $4300

Rocky Point, PEI Oil on Canvas, 30” x 30” $4100

No One Told Me It Would Lead To This Batik on Watercolour Paper, 16” x 20” $350

Flush Oil on Canvas, 48” x 48” $1950

Wildflower Oil on Canvas, 36” x 24” $1000

Black Boots Oil on Canvas, 72” x 36” $6900

Victorian Townhouse Oil on Board, 14" x 11” $1350

Grapefruit Study Acrylic, 8” x 8” $150

Painted Turtle Acrylic 18" x 18” $1700

Morning Grapefruit Ink & Acrylic, 24” x 18” $1600

Flowers in the Shadow Oil on Canvas, 24” x 18” $450

Gracias — Front Line Heroes Project Mural (Spray Paint & Latex), 12’ x 24’ NFS

Meet Me By The Shore Oil on Canvas, 24" x 48” $1800