How to Join the CFS
Prerequisite 1: The Artist must be a permanent resident of the province of Ontario, Canada
Prerequisite 2: The artist’s work must have been accepted and shown in a CFS Open Juried exhibition held in the current year.
Elected membership is a juried process. Artists who meet the two prerequisites will be given an Invitation to Submit for Membership.
As an invitee, you will be asked to submit through Entrythingy, 8 images of recent work together with the ($35.) jurying fee, a 200-word BIO and a 200-word Artist’s Statement.
The New Membership Jury review all the submissions several months after the Open Juried Exhibition has been chosen. Notifications of their decision will be emailed to all who applied after the submissions have been carefully reviewed. This date varies from year to year and co-relates to the date of the OJE.
If a submission is successful then the New Member will submit the annual CFS Membership Fee of $65.
Upon receipt of the Membership Fee you will be sent a CFS Membership card, and
Be entitled to use the designation CFS following your name
Have your name added to the CFS website listing of Elected Members
Be eligible to participate in CFS members’ shows
Be able to use your membership card for discounts with various art suppliers.
Additionally, and only for newly elected members, the CFS hosts a New Members’ Show biennially (in the summer of odd-numbered years, ie, 2019, 2021, 2023…). Your art will be included in this showcase of artwork by the new members elected during the show year and the previous year.
Please send all other membership-related enquires to: info@colourandformsociety.org